General News

39th Annual Witherspoon Lecture

Categories: General News

Featuring Jolyon Thomas from the University of Pennsylvania

Race, Religion, and the Pulpit in Paperback

Categories: General News

Dr. Moore’s first book reissued by Wayne State University Press Race, Religion, and the Pulpit: Rev. Robert L. Bradby and the Making of Urban Detroit (originally published 2015) has been reissued by Wayne State University Press. This book is a study of one minister and his influence on the growth of the economy and the […]

Barbara Thiede Featured at Personally Speaking

Categories: General News

Personally Speaking is a decade-old college tradition of featuring faculty authors Event details: Personally Speaking featuring Barbara Thiede, Ph.D. The Bible is no relic. The stories it tells mirror human behavior of our own time. It is, in fact, one of the most powerful and influential texts we know. Barbara Thiede, Ph.D.’s Male Friendship, Homosociality, […]

Olivia Stockwell Receives Fellowship

Categories: General News

Major receives major award Our major and leader of the Religious Studies Student Organization received an Ibrahim Student Leadership and Dialogue Middle East Program Fellowship to travel in the Middle East during winter break. The program is hosted by Queens College CUNY. From the website: “The Ibrahim Student Leadership and Dialogue Middle East Program is a unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for […]

Dr. Brintnall’s New Book

Categories: General News

Lee Edelman and the Queer Study of Religion, edited by Associate Chair and Graduate Program Director Kent Brintnall along with Rhiannon Graybill and Linn Marie Tonstad, is the newest volume in the Queer Studies in Religion Series with Routledge Press. You can find more information and a copy here.

Eric Hoenes receives Honorable Mention

Categories: General News

Eric Hoenes received an Honorable Mention for the Clifford Geertz Prize from the Society for the Anthropology of Religion at the American Anthropological Association annual meeting in Toronto. He is pictured here with Naomi Haynes Zhu from the University of Edinburgh.

Donuts and Coffee

Categories: General News

Faculty and staff enjoyed some down time with donuts and coffee Several times a semester we try to gather in Macy 204A for some conversation and treats. Join us next time!

Dr. Sherman’s New Book!

Categories: General News

Dr. William Sherman’s first monograph, Singing With the Mountains: The Language of God in the Afghan Highlands, has been officially published by Fordham University Press. You can find more information and a copy here.

Dr. Hoenes at Personally Speaking

Categories: General News

One of two Religious Studies faculty scheduled to present in this decade-long college series From College publicity: Fragmenting churches and ‘switching’ of religious alliances is a phenomenon that is not only timeless, but one that is increasing here in the US and in communities abroad. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Associate Professor Eric […]

Dr. Kaloyanides’ New Book!

Categories: General News

Dr. Alexandra Kaloyanides’ first monograph, Baptizing Burma: Religious Change in the Last Buddhist Kingdom, has been published by Columbia University Press. The dissertation on which this book is based was awarded the 2020 Claremont Prize for the Study of Religion, The Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life at Columbia University. You can find more information […]